Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Regular Fitness Analysis? Who needs ‘em? You Do!

When was the last time you evaluated the progression of your fitness journey? When was the last time you met with a personal trainer to have a thorough Fitness Analysis (FA) that went beyond a measurement of your body fat and weight? I’m going to guess that for many of you, a good amount of time has passed since the analysis that was performed at baseline of your fitness journey either on your own or with a professional. Never mind the reasons why so much time has passed, instead, let’s focus on why a regular FA is so important. Whether you realize it or even believe it, an FA done on a regular basis reviews your progression which is of the up-most importance to your on-going success. That being said, let’s get to the benefits! Analysing your progression will be motivating! You will be able to see a consistent record of your fitness progression overtime. Analysing your progression allows yourself or a personal trainer to make recommendations about what you should do next, strength and fitness wise and also with nutrition. With fitness journeys comes plateaus and with a regular FA you will be able to put your journey in overdrive and continue to see results. Analysing the progression of the measurements of Body Fat and Weight are crucial in determining that you are losing weight the right way so you will be able to prevent muscle wasting. Sure the number on your scale at home may be decreasing, but what your scale won't tell you is if your body fat is increasing. This ratio of body fat to weight provides insight to addressing your nutrition and strength work needs. Without this insight, you may struggle with your weight throughout your fitness journey. And finally, you will be able to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate recovery time. So, with all those perks of a regular FA, take advantage! If you are monitoring your progression on your own, be sure to do a little research on the different fitness assessments out there, some take into account strength progression as well as flexibility progression. Also, research the tools offered to give you an accurate body fat to weight ratio. Have an awesome day and I’ll talk to you soon. Melissa

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