Friday, December 31, 2010

Mix It Up!

Hey There! Hope your enjoying your day. Here in Colorado it is cold, windy but we have snow!! I love it! However, it does put a damper on getting outside and getting your chores done or going to your meetings. You still must not let that stop you from getting your workout in. If you are thinking, ""That is a great idea, but I don't have alot of space in my house to workout, or I don't have any equipment to workout." You have all you need with your own bodyweight and it is the best tool or equipment out there on the market! Yes, YOU!
So with that said let me show you a simple workout you can easily do in 30 minutes. Oh by the way, I love pushups! :P

Always start with a 5 minute warm up!

You will set your timer to 2 minutes(use your cell phone if you need to)

8 Pushups
8 Situps
8 Burpees
8 Mountain Climbers
(after you complete these exercises once go thru again till you have hit the 2 minutes, then each round try and get further!)
Rest 2 minutes- complete 3 rounds-2 minute rest in between rounds

Cool down and stretch- 5 minutes

Comment below and let me know how you did! :)


Let's ROCK 2011!!!


Unknown said...

This is a good workout. I didn't stretch the first time so make sure you stretch! Burpees....who invented them? gggrrrrr :)

I like this work out! It's just what I need! Thanks Brenda!

Brendas Bootcamp said...

Beth is right, always warm up 5 minutes before you workout and cool down for 5 minutes after any workout! Good Job Beth! ;)