Friday, December 27, 2013
What is the most important?

Thursday, October 24, 2013
As you reflect on your life, as we all do at some point in our years of living, remember what you have done to this point. My journey has taken a very sharp turn and I know that God has a bigger purpose for me
although I don't know yet what it might be. I have been blessed with so many friends and my family to support me in my decisions. It's not easy after 4 years of trying to build my business and have a place to
go do workouts and fitness assessment diagnostics, to shut the doors on final time. Now I go out and figure out my next move. I know one thing, my dream is not going to die. It is taking a different path,
but I can't see myself doing anything else. I love to see people's tranformations and I love to be a part of it. So I go back to the drawing board and I write down my goals, I make a plan and I start over. This
is my do over! Have you ever had one of those? I bet you have and I bet your stronger and so much happier than you ever thought possible. That is my hope when I look back at this time, this obstacle.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Why Do We Do It???

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Won't Read This...
Good Morning! Today I am going to write about training, specifically in running. For many of you I realize that you may be saying… “Won’t read this, Ha! I’m never going to run”… Yep, I said that too and I heard on good authority that one other well-known boot camp member said that same thing at one point in time and now she’s beating her own time with every race she runs! Once I started running I realized that it is hard, but man I feel good when I’m finished. And running the Rat Race, oh my goodness, such a blast not only running but the company. So for when you make the decision that you are going to give running a try and eventually incorporate it into your weekly BootCamp, FitRanX or Tactix routine, here are a few problems that may hinder your success with running. My favorite shoe is ASICS, so naturally I turn to them for advice and without fail, ASICS delivers. Here is what I read… Problem 1: Too Much, Too Often--If you find yourself out of breath, or completely drained, after every run, you could be pushing yourself too hard. For me, it was knee pain, I couldn't walk and of course I couldn't run until it felt better. When I could run, it wasn’t for very long before my knee started acting up again. Yes, it is possible to over train, and it happens when your body gets pushed beyond its capability to recover. If you run too fast, you can push your body too hard, going beyond the body's capacity to deliver oxygen to your muscles. And in my case, I was putting in too many miles. Over-training can cause injury, sleep disturbance, and even depression. ASICS Solution: Take a Step-by-step Approach. The first step is to manage your pace. Identify a comfortable speed and factor it into your training plan. You can calculate your pace with a simple stopwatch, or training apps like MY ASICS. I'm not crediting the competition, but Nike app works too and I know many of you already have it on your phone. There is also another app I was told about, Couch Potato to 5K. The second step is to manage your distance. If you're looking to run long distances, you need to build up gradually over time. Taking too large of a jump in distance will only lead to injury, and set you back in your training goals. Building a training plan is a great way to help you gradually increase your distance over time and reach your training milestones. Problem 2: The Right Fuel--Diet is essential not only in providing the energy you need when you're running, but also in helping you recover and build muscle. Complex carbohydrates help your body produce glycogen which delivers energy to your muscles while proteins are essential to help repair and build muscles, as well as produce hormones. Then there are fats, vitamins and minerals to factor in. ASICS Solution: Balance Your Diet--Think carefully about what you're eating. In addition to plenty of vitamins and minerals, your training diet should be made up of:
•60–65% carbohydrates
•10–20% protein
•10% saturated fats
•10–15% unsaturated fats
Problem 3: Not Resting Between Runs--If you are going to continue to run at your best, you need to give your body the opportunity to recover between training runs. ASICS Solution: Take It Easy--It might sound counter-intuitive, but rest is one of the most crucial parts of any successful training plan. Getting adequate rest between training runs gives your body time to repair itself and recover in order to build up your strength over time. Problem 4: Not Enough Sleep--Tiredness is another factor that can affect your performance. Sleep enables phases of the recovery process that there are simply no substitutes for. If you are not sleeping, your body cannot recover and your training will begin to suffer. ASICS Solution: Wind Down Before Bed--Make sure you set aside time to relax before you go to bed. Reading, listening to music, or taking a hot bath are all great ways to wind down and calm your mind before bed. There it is, the most common problems, I assume they are common as I've experienced all 4. Don't do what I did and just jump into running 7 miles and not expect your body to protest. Ha-ha! Running is rewarding and, done properly, along with the reward comes fun! Enjoy! Melissa
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
This is the scene we are surrounded by. The flood came fast and furious and hard to believe we were the 1 in 1000 yrs., that got hit with this kind of devastation. No one could have predicted it.
The positive out of all of this is that the human race comes together and helps their own. There is no thought of can or should I, no, everyone just jumps into action. The clean up will be
long and vigourous at best, however, roads will be rebuilt, homes restored and the only sadness is the lives lost. That is the hardest part of all of this. Oh I know that losing all your possessions
is hard too, but all of that is replaceable, a loved one just isn't. So I pray for all those who have lost a loved one during this time. There are still people missing today, yet the rescue teams are
out in full force to reach all those people and hopefully the number will be 0 missing.
This is a short blog but wanted to just let all who see this that all of the folks affected in this Flood of 2013 will be stronger than ever as each person will be surrounded by those who continue to
pray, to reach out and to be a stronghold for them.
Colorado Strong!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Regular Fitness Analysis? Who needs ‘em? You Do!
When was the last time you evaluated the progression of your fitness journey? When was the last time you met with a personal trainer to have a thorough Fitness Analysis (FA) that went beyond a measurement of your body fat and weight? I’m going to guess that for many of you, a good amount of time has passed since the analysis that was performed at baseline of your fitness journey either on your own or with a professional. Never mind the reasons why so much time has passed, instead, let’s focus on why a regular FA is so important. Whether you realize it or even believe it, an FA done on a regular basis reviews your progression which is of the up-most importance to your on-going success. That being said, let’s get to the benefits! Analysing your progression will be motivating! You will be able to see a consistent record of your fitness progression overtime. Analysing your progression allows yourself or a personal trainer to make recommendations about what you should do next, strength and fitness wise and also with nutrition. With fitness journeys comes plateaus and with a regular FA you will be able to put your journey in overdrive and continue to see results. Analysing the progression of the measurements of Body Fat and Weight are crucial in determining that you are losing weight the right way so you will be able to prevent muscle wasting. Sure the number on your scale at home may be decreasing, but what your scale won't tell you is if your body fat is increasing. This ratio of body fat to weight provides insight to addressing your nutrition and strength work needs. Without this insight, you may struggle with your weight throughout your fitness journey. And finally, you will be able to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate recovery time. So, with all those perks of a regular FA, take advantage! If you are monitoring your progression on your own, be sure to do a little research on the different fitness assessments out there, some take into account strength progression as well as flexibility progression. Also, research the tools offered to give you an accurate body fat to weight ratio. Have an awesome day and I’ll talk to you soon. Melissa
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Dream come true!

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Cardio Craze Busted!
Good Morning! It has been questioned time and time again, what is the best thing to do for fat loss? I’ve heard, “I run every day” or “do the elliptical multiple times a week but I don’t seem to lose weight or change my body into what I’m looking for, what I am doing wrong?” Well, to be honest I had the same issue until I started working with Brenda and quickly became addicted to her workouts. She let me know what I was doing wrong for the goals I had. The solution was even better than I had hoped. The idea is to spend less time in my basement doing cardio and more time doing weights and circuits. Strength training through circuit workouts and high intensity training works by building muscle and allows little to no rest between sets. By training with little to no rest breaks you are getting your body into cardio mode while building muscle, the best of both worlds! Muscle burns more calories than fat at rest, so for you to increase your metabolism and burn more calories while you sit at work all day, the answer is to build your muscles. Strength training is an important component of any exercise routine that emphasizes fat loss. I, like most women don’t want to “bulk up” so don’t worry, you won’t! Women can build muscle which will be long and lean due to the low level of testosterone we have compared to men. Don’t be afraid to lift weights or do your regular cardio routine because you think you will gain weight. Brenda also taught me that switching your workout routine every few weeks is very important to confuse your muscles so they change. If you do the same thing every day, your body adapts to it and won’t change. I was in the mindset that if I wasn’t sweating for an hour on the elliptical everyday while watching Game of Thrones then I wasn’t “Getting Fit.” Okay, so I did lose 30 lbs. Yeah I know, totally impressive right? Ha-ha, Wrong! I lost 30 lbs. of Muscle! So sad really, I made myself “skinny fat.” I looked better fully dressed but like comedian Jeff Foxworthy so eloquently put it, when the clothes came off I looked like a wet blood hound, nothing was in the right place! Of course he was referring to his 90 year old grandmother, but the image works just as well here. Anyway, the point is if your workout no longer leaves you sore or tired, it’s time to change so you are actually benefiting from it instead of wasting your time. Remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. Get out there and start adding circuit workouts with weights to your routine and you can do it right here with Brenda and Michelle at Brenda’s BootCamp! Enjoy your day! Talk to you soon, Melissa
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Run a Perfect Race
Hello! I hope you all are having a lovely day. In light of this Saturday and the fact that I have never ran a 5K let alone a 10K, I did a little digging and found some tips on running the perfect race. See the thing is, in order to race well you have to train well…Duh. Ha-ha! And everyone knows that I haven’t been running like I should… yeah, my bad. Anyway, except for me, even if you nailed all your workouts, you can still blow everything by tearing around on race morning in a hurried panic. So to make sure your hard training doesn't go to waste, Runner’s World compiled all the advice you need to successfully navigate race day. Their tips start before the start, the finish and after the finish, and--if employed properly--will guarantee a glitch-free race. (Maybe even a PR.)
Before the Gun
Your pre-race goal should be to arrive at the starting line relaxed and ready to run.
Lay It Out
The night before, lay out everything you'll need race day on an extra bed or the floor.
Travel Light
Save yourself the post-race hassle of retrieving your supplies by not checking anything.
B.Y.O.T.P (Bring Your Own Toilet Paper…Great Advice!)
The longer the lines at the Port-a-Johns, the more likely the potty will be out of toilet paper.
Show Your Number
Pin your bib on the front of your racing outfit with four safety pins to keep it from flapping around.
Secure Your Key
Find someplace to stash your car key (note: singular), but not where someone might find it, like in the gas cap, on a tire, or in a hide-a-key under the car (sound familiar?). If the key is one of those bulky computer-programmed jobs, use the valet key instead, and slide it into a zippered pocket, lace it into your shoe, or use a Shoe Pocket, which is a waterproof pouch that Velcros to your laces. You could also hand your keys to a spectating friend--as long as he has a nicer car than yours.
Stash Some Cash
If you have money with you for an emergency, you won't need it. If you don't, you will. So pin a $10 bill inside your singlet.
Bag Yourself
They aren't stylish, but plastic garbage bags do keep you warm and dry. Cut a hole for just your head and tuck your arms inside.
Warm Up Wisely
If possible, warm up by running the first mile or so of the racecourse to get the lay of the land. If you can't do that, warm up on a nearby road or sidewalk, not in a grassy field. Early morning dew can soak through your shoes and socks.
Line Up on Time
Don't get there first, since the extra wait will only make you anxious. Instead, watch the clock and keep an eye on runners as they fill in behind the start. Then join in. Many races have signs showing you where to stand according to your predicted per-mile pace.
Go As a Runner (Ha-ha! THIS ONE CRACKS ME UP!)
If you must dress up in a costume, make sure it doesn't extend beyond your body so that it won't interfere with other runners. Elvis jumpsuit? Um, sure. Elvis cape? No.
And You’re Off
Once the race starts, there's more to think about than just putting one foot in front of the other
Don't start your watch at the gun. Hard to resist, but starting your watch immediately will yield a depressing finishing time since it might take several minutes to cross the starting line. Turn your watch face inside your wrist--to avoid an accidental bump that might activate the stopwatch--then hit the start button when you reach the start so you can accurately calculate your pace.
Look For Room
As you ramp up to race pace, try to achieve "daylight" between you and other runners, which is basically two full stride lengths.
Be Patient
Don't bob and weave through the starting pack like a punt returner. You'll waste energy without getting very far. Instead, jog or walk with your arms slightly out to help you keep your balance. And be sure not to follow the guy with the headband who has jumped the curb and is sprinting ahead. The race gods will make him trip. (OMG, too funny!)
Drink Second
The first water stop in larger races often resembles a crowded subway station at rush hour. As long as you're not thirsty, go ahead and skip it.
Pass with Caution (Just so you know…I AM the iPod wearer)
Runners with MP3 players likely don't know you're approaching.
Steal Some Airtime
Look for TV cameras. If you spot one, move into an open space and simply point at it. Waving and shouting signals desperation.
Slow Down on the Side
If you need to slow your pace, do so gradually and move to the right side of the road, again making sure you don't cut anyone off, like the ex-Georgia Tech linebacker behind you.
Hold the Hoorays
Sure, it's easy to get animated when you're a couple of miles from the finish. You're almost there. Yet yukking it up expends a lot of energy.
Happy Endings
As you cross the finish line, you're not quite done yet: the finishing chute stretches ahead
Keep Moving
Once across the finish line, runners are all striving toward a common goal--a cold drink and a shower. If you don't keep moving forward, you'll likely get knocked around.
Take the Wrap
Worn like a cape, Mylar race blankets keep the heat in. And if you're offered a sticker or piece of tape with the cape, use it to secure the blanket at the neck so that you can keep your hands free. Note: It doesn't matter which side of the blanket is in and which side is out. It traps your body heat either way.
Ditch the Chip
If you've used one of those secure plastic ties to attach your chip to your shoe, it takes the volunteers about two seconds to get it off. Another efficient way is to lace the chip into the shoe just below the knot so all you have to do is untie your shoe to get it off. If the chip is laced farther down, below the eyelets and along the tongue, you'll have to unlace the shoe to remove the chip. This will stop you cold.
Drink Up
Even though you are no longer running, you need fluids to rehydrate and recover. Take some and keep moving.
Wear Your Hardware
Drape your finisher's medal around your neck. You need your hands for other things as you continue to move through the chute. Just make sure to take off the medal sometime in the next month.
Eat. A Little
Get yourself some food, but "just your share. You need carbs to begin post-race recovery, not to feed your entire extended family. Besides, stopping for extra food will only slow things down. And any leftover food is often given away to a charity, like a local food bank.
Find Your Family
Have a prearranged spot to meet up with your family and friends after the race. Anything solid and immovable is best, like a tree, the front steps of a building. Don't suggest something like the middle of a field, which could be jam-packed with runners come race day. Next, make sure you spot your group before they see you. Now start limping (cue the sympathy violins). But do so with a huge smile on your face.
Good Luck to Everyone! And Future Good Lucks to the Future Runners! Melissa
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Number One Way To Turn BAD Fat Good Again
Hey There! I hope everyone is well. :) Doing my daily digging for my wisdom blog, I came across an email from pro/grade (Great products and info, and available at http://healthystepsllc.getprograde.com ) with a title that caught my eye... Number One Way To Turn BAD Fat Good Again. I know what your thinking, and before you stop reading, it's not one of those...reduce belly fat by following this one simple trick... Nope, just info I assure you. Okay, so Fat has received a bad rap for decades, but we now understand that there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats are essential to a healthy, balanced diet and a well-functioning body. On the flip side, bad fats must be avoided at all costs. This particular article is not about the FAT from food. No, this article talks about the fat your body is composed of. If you are not familiar with the 2 types of fat the human body is composed of, let me tell you, we have White adipose(fancy word for fat) tissue, and Brown adipose tissue. White adipose tissue (WAT) is used as a store of energy and also found in abundance in overweight un-healthy individuals. This BAD fat of the 2 types, should be kept in a low ratio of fat to muscle by eating the "good fats". Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is abundant in small mammals and in newborns and helps them to survive cold temperatures. In adults, it had long been considered to be absent or at least of no relevance. Recent investigations, however, have fueled interest in adult BAT. More energy from the burning of brown fat then burning white fat. So anyway, keep reading and you will now have the inside track on the number one way to turn bad fat good again. Although, I suspect you all ready know what the one thing is... Yep, EXERCISE. :)
As you know, exercise is a very, very important aspect for your health. It keeps you strong, flexible, and healthy. Plus – with the added muscle mass – it may keep you fit and trim for years to come. But, I bet you didn't know this about exercise…
Exercise and Fat Cells
Depending on the type of exercise you do, you can burn extra calories which may lead to overall weight loss. And, if you add in some strength training, then you may alter your muscle tissue (a good thing!), therefore allowing your body to burn even more calories at rest. This could alter your body composition (fat vs. lean muscle mass), allowing for a stronger, leaner, and trimmer body. But new research - that was just presented - shows that exercise may actually CHANGE the composition of your fat cells – for the BETTER! Your fat cells play a larger-than-life-role in metabolism, blood sugar control, as well as countless other important tasks. Brown fat tissue may lead to extra calories burned (when activated due to shivering, etc.). Well, now a new study shows – in both mice and humans – that exercise may lead to changes in the composition of your fat cells – therefore enabling your body to burn more calories and potentially lose more weight. The study used 10 healthy men who performed a 12-week training program that significantly improved their VO2 max. They showed that the training protocol significantly increased some markers of “browning” of white adipose tissue. Whoa! So what does this mean? Simply put, exercise training causes the bad WAT to behave like BAT and burn fat better and release more energy. This better burning of fat, allows for your metabolic functions to remain stable for longer periods of time and increase calorie burn and weight loss. YAY!!!
There it is! Don't you just love EXERCISE?! Exercise with Brenda and Michelle = BURN More Fat! CHECK! Take care! Melissa
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The NOT So Skinny on Sugars and Sweetners
Many people, like myself, have a bit of a sweet tooth and there’s a lot of different kinds of sweeteners available today and whether they are healthy and safe to use.
I’ve done some digging and arrived at a fantastic website and found us everything we’ve ever wanted to know about sugar, plus the lowdown on 25 different types of sweeteners on the market today. I will not be including all 25 however do to blog space. If you want more, in depth detail, visit the website http://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/the-many-different-kinds-of-sugar.
It turns out that just 100 years ago, there was only cane sugar, sorghum, honey and maple syrup, and Americans each ate less than two pounds a year of them, total.
But today, whether from soda, snacks, cereal, pasta, bread or other packaged foods, Americans each eat the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of sugar a day, adding up to about 160 pounds of sugar per person, per year. And in just 32 ounces of soda, you can easily consume at least a quarter pound of sugar a day! Yikes!
So How Much is Too Much? For me the statistic above is enough for me to say, one soda is WAY too much, but let’s hear from the experts… The Heart Association report recommends that most women should be getting no more than 6 teaspoons a day, or 24 grams of added sugar—the sweeteners and syrups that are added to foods during processing, preparation or at the table. For most men, the recommended limit is 9 teaspoons, or 36 grams.
This means that one 6-ounce cup of store-bought, flavored yogurt, with the equivalent of about 10 teaspoons of sugar, would put you over your sugar limit for the whole day! Looks like my sweet tooth just became ultimately unsweet. :(
Worldwide consumption of sugar has tripled during the past 50 years, consequently, the incidence of obesity and chronic disease has become epidemic. The Standard American Diet contributes to more disease and death than alcohol and tobacco combined. No sweets, no alcohol, no tobacco = no death…check!
So this summary of sweeteners comes with a warning:
Added sugar in any form is not good for you, so please use it sparingly.
And now the not so skinny of sugar.
An Inside Look at complex Sugars (Sucrose and Lactose)
There are various types of sugar, chemically speaking. Basically, if it ends in -ose, it’s a type of sugar.
The Complex Sugars: Sucrose and Lactose break down during digestion into Two Simple Sugars: Glucose and Fructose. Glucose is transported by insulin to the cells for energy, which, unless burned, gets stored away as fat. Yep, you read that right: Sugar, unused, makes you fat. Glucose, ingested in small amounts, below 50 on the Glycemic Index, will help you control your blood sugar naturally. Fructose is the sugar found naturally in fruit and for this reason people tend to think of it as a “body friendly” sugar. But don’t be fooled into thinking that’s a good thing. Fructose travels to the liver where it gets converted to triglycerides. Triglycerides made from fructose are stored as fat, which increases the size of your fat cells, contributing to weight gain and obesity.
White Sugars
“Regular” or white table sugar is refined and highly processed. It's made up of 50% glucose and 50% fructose. It provides empty calories and zero nutritional value.
“Fruit Sugar” or Crystalline Fructose
Crystalline fructose is slightly finer than “regular” sugar and is used in dry mixes such as flavored gelatin and pudding desserts, and powdered drinks. Since it is made totally from fructose, it is definitely harmful to your health.
Brown Sugars
Brown sugars range in the amount of processing they receive, but they are brown because, unlike white sugar, they have not had all of the molasses chemically and physically removed. Common brown sugar is best replaced by one of these naturally brown sugars: Turbinado, Muscovado, Demerara and Rapadura
Turbinado sugar is raw sugar which has been partially processed, where only the surface molasses has been washed off. Sugar in the Raw™ is the most commonly known brand of raw, turbinado sugar.
Muscovado sugar is minimally processed whose crystals are slightly coarser and stickier in texture than “regular” brown sugar.
Demerara sugar is a light brown raw sugar with large golden crystals, which are slightly sticky from the adhering molasses.
Rapadura is made from dried sugarcane juice in the form of a brick. It is used in place of refined sugar as a more accessible, cheaper and healthier sweetener. Rapadura is the least processed of the cane sugars, and is rich in dietary iron.
Liquid Sugars
Corn Syrup
High fructose corn syrup contains 55% fructose and 45% glucose, which makes it virtually as sweet as sucrose or natural honey.
Today, high fructose corn syrup has replaced pure sugar as the main sweetener in most carbonated beverages, and hides in products like salad dressing, spaghetti sauce, and whole wheat bread, and it is often one of the first ingredients in cake mixes, cookies, sauces, breakfast cereals and commercial baked goods. There is an obvious association between processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. In my opinion, high fructose corn syrup is nasty, and should be avoided at all costs.
Agave Syrup
Agave syrup is very high in fructose. This makes it worse for you than either table sugar or corn syrup. Avoid at all costs!
Molasses is a thick, brown to deep black, honey-like substance made as a byproduct of processing cane or beet sugar. Molasses has somewhat more nutritional value than white or brown sugar. The process by which it is extracted and treated with sulfur results in fortification of iron, calcium and magnesium. Calories in molasses are approximately the same as sugar, however it only contains about half the sucrose as sugar. It is also made up of both glucose and fructose. Though it is high in iron, it is also high in calcium, which tends to prevent iron from being absorbed by the body, thus its benefits as a mineral supplement may be a bit overrated.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is one of the many wonders of the world. This viscous amber liquid with its characteristic earthy sweet taste is made from the sap of the sugar, black or red maple tree. Maple syrup contains fewer calories and a higher concentration of minerals than honey, and is an excellent source of manganese, and a good source of zinc.
Raw honey is a mixture of sugars and other compounds, mainly fructose and glucose. Honey contains trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals and also contains tiny amounts of several compounds thought to function as an antioxidant and an anti-microbial.
Sorghum is a highly-nutritious, gluten-free, ancient cereal grain that is minimally processed into syrup, and still contains a lot of antioxidant vitamins and trace minerals. Hmmm...This one just might be okay! :)
Sugar Alcohols (Michelle, you might find this interesting):)
Xylitol, Erythritol, Mannitol and Sorbitol
Sugar alcohols (which end in -itol) occur naturally in plants. Some of them are chemically or biologically extracted from plants (sorbitol from corn syrup and mannitol from seaweed), but they are mostly manufactured in a highly-intensive industrial process from sugars and starches.
Sugar alcohols are like sugar in some ways, but they are not completely absorbed by the body. Because of this, they affect blood sugar levels less, and they provide fewer calories per gram. Though sugar alcohols have fewer calories than sugar, most of them aren’t as sweet, so more must be used to get the same sweetening effect. Warning! Warning! Because they are not completely absorbed, sugar alcohols like sorbitol and xylitol can ferment in the intestines and cause bloating, gas, or diarrhea, and they are not recommended for people with IBS or other digestive issues. And, Sugar alcohols like xylitol are highly toxic to dogs.
Swerve is the latest “natural sweetener” to hit the market. Swerve is a highly-refined sweetening agent made from a sugar alcohol and has been known to cause stomach pains, headaches, and even diarrhea in some individuals.
Sugar-Free Sweeteners
The leaves of the small, green Stevia rebaudiana plant have a delicious and refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar, but it has no calories, and consuming it does not raise blood glucose levels at all.
Saccharin, Aspartame & Sucralose
All three are completely artificial, chemical sweeteners made by highly-industrialized processes. None of them have any calories or glycemic index, and each of them has been linked to cancer, digestive distress, and chronic illnesses in numerous studies. None of them are Real Food and each should be avoided at all costs.
So, it looks like no sugar or sweetener is without its health risks. But like all things, in moderation, minimally processed sugars can be a delicious addition to a healthy, real food diet. My sweet tooth is doing back handsprings! I hope you all found this as informative as I did. Have a glorious day! Melissa
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Sore Today Strong Tomorrow
Hello everyone! :) I thought today I would find some information on how to ease post-workout muscle soreness. I sometimes feel really sore the next day or even sometimes 2 days after an awesome workout and I am pretty sure I am not alone. Working out might be hard on your muscles, but sometimes for many of us results are all that really matter! I found 5 tips that will help to ease our post-workout muscle soreness, but first, I’m going to explain what that post-workout muscle soreness is.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that occurs in the day or two after exercise. This muscle soreness is most frequently felt when you begin a new exercise program, change your exercise routine, or dramatically increase the duration or intensity of your exercise routine.
DOMS sucks, I know, but it is a normal response to an awesome workout and is part of an adaptation process that will lead to your muscles gaining strength and stamina. This process of muscle recovery builds hypertrophy. Hypertrophy put simply is the noticeable change in muscle size as the muscle cells begin to grow larger and stronger. Thankful for us there is a bright side to all our discomfort! So don’t give up. And to help you and myself assure that we don’t give up here are 5 tips brought to you from LRlifestyle to ease the delayed onset of muscle soreness.
1. Don’t skip stretching!
As you get older, your muscles tend to be less elastic, and, as a result, you risk being less flexible. It’s essential to stretch after your workout because stretching generates blood flow and keeps the muscles loose and flexible. Remember, the tighter your muscles are, the more soreness you will feel. Not stretching can also lead to worse things than soreness – painful hyper-extension of joints and tendons!
2. Eat properly after every workout.
The more your muscle protein is damaged during a hard workout, the more sore you’ll feel. In the first 30 minutes post exercise, you should consume protein to rebuild the muscle tissue that was broken down and to stimulate new muscle growth. Eat a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates – carbs produce insulin, which reduce soreness.
Spices such as turmeric or warming herbs such as cayenne, ginger, and peppermint have an anti-inflammatory effect and help muscle soreness. To help with your muscle recovery, you need foods rich in antioxidants: kiwi, oranges, apricots, cabbage, kale, sweet potatoes and almonds are only a few. Here’s a tip that works – drink sugar free tart cherry juice, it’s full of antioxidants and has wonderful anti-inflammatory effects.
3. Heat is the best for sore muscles.
Take a hot bath or step into a steam room. If you don’t have access to a steam room, make a spa at home by getting into your bath tub. Put some Epsom salt, lavender or chamomile oil (both oils are great for tense muscles) into the water and relax for 30 minutes. This decreases inflammation and muscle discomfort and improves circulation. Suggestion: Try Aromatherapies Sleep-Well Bath Soak Lavender & Chamomile™.
4. Stay active and keep working out!
You need to mobilize your muscles to speed up recovery from soreness. Even if you feel a little sore, don’t become inactive – this will make it hard to get back into working out! Do light aerobics activity such as walking, stair climbing, or dancing for 15-20 minutes. It’s all about keeping your muscles moving. Go easy on all resistance training and don’t forget to always warm up before exercising.
5. Get a massage or massage the sore area with a cooling balm.
Massage brings blood flow to sore muscle tissues and encourages quick muscle recovery. After your hot bath, rub in a natural balm made of anti-inflammatory ingredients such as tea tree oil or cooling menthol.
All right guys have an awesome day and stay active! Melissa
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Making "What if it works?" A Habit
Creating a new habit, whether it's exercising more, changing your diet or writing a blog post every Wednesday, requires repetition. But how often does it need to be performed before it no longer requires mass amounts of, sometimes complete exhaustion of, self-control? It's going to depend on the type of habit you're trying to form and your desire in pursuing your goal. So are there any general guidelines for how long it takes before behaviors become automatic? No need to Ask Google-- I've done it for you--you'll get a figure of somewhere between 21 and 28 days. Getting back to the type of habit you’re trying to form… As you'd imagine, drinking a daily glass of water becomes a habit or “automatic” very quickly but doing 50 sit-ups before breakfast requires more dedication. Based on studies what this boils down to is that when we want to develop a habit like drinking a glass of water each day or doing 50 sit-ups before breakfast, it could take us over two months of daily repetitions before the behavior becomes a habit. And, while research suggests that skipping single days isn't detrimental in the long-term, it's those early repetitions, 21 days, which give us the greatest boost in habit forming. Shifting gears just a bit, when creating a new habit of exercising more, eating healthy, getting more zzz’s and limiting stress, you may find yourself in a sea of DOUBT. Doubt can be a bad word! Too much doubt can stop us living our lives to the full. Here's the stink of it, we never really know what the outcome of our decisions will be, that's the nature of life. But the person who wallows in doubt never gets anywhere. At some point, after a little looking, you've got to leap. I read that recent studies have uncovered two steps which point to a possible path for escaping the doubt habit. Step one: Shake Your Head. The physical action of shaking your head while thinking about your uncertainty causes one to cancel out the other. Step two: Doubt Your Doubt. When I read this particular step, I thought… “Um what? A bit counter-intuitive don’t you think?” But read on, it makes sense... This particular study makes the case that lack of confidence in your own thoughts is beneficial. For some people having confidence in their doubts just leads to more procrastination, self-handicapping and worse. While shaking your head can't be considered a miracle cure by itself, when used in tandem with doubting your doubt you can work to dispel the original doubt. Taking you back to the creating a habit thing--Brenda is always talking about the danger and the benefit of “what ifs.” Based on what I've just told you, She’s totally Nailed it! “What if” becomes dangerous when based on the premise of doubting your ability to create the habit of exercising more, eating healthy, getting more zzz’s and limiting stress. Good news everyone, “What If” actually does become beneficial when based on the premise of a positive outcome mindset…This is going to WORK! Even more good news, you are NOT alone in this habit creating process. You will have a battery of support which includes, just to mention a few, Brenda, Michelle and of course Me. In theory, with more people working together to change one person's habit, you are in a stronger position. It's not just that we are here to be your cheerleader; it's also that it increases self-awareness and makes the healthy habits permanent. You've already made the decision for a healthier lifestyle through fitness and nutrition, now just use the “What If” to your advantage. Exploit it! Chat Brenda’s mantra…”To Be Positive Is To Be Successful!” Be open to change, be non-judgmental and avoid punishing yourself for pitfalls. Have an excellent rest of your day and remember, BBC is your biggest fan! Talk to you soon, Melissa
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Sickness got you Down? Not anymore!
Are you secretly envious of your co-workers and friends who, like superheroes, never seem to get sick? You know, the ones glowing with good health while everyone around them is sneezing, sniffling, and coughing like villains. I’ll be honest, I certainly do find myself a tad bit envious. I suffer from an extremely aggressive immune response to allergens. My upper respiratory system is seized when spring and summer hits and my exercise and nutrition suffers because of it. Allergies may be a different beast from a virus or a bacterium, but the immune response is similar and without a strong immune system your body weakens. I’ve learned that I can’t hate the healthy people. Instead, I can steal the secrets of people who manage to stay above the sickroom fray and take steps to boost my body's immunity and maintain my fitness and nutrition. I share the belief that the holistic approach to exercise calms the mind and relieves stress. The cardio, strengthening, and conditioning help boost the immune system. Followed up with adequate rest and morning sinus rinses, I find that no allergen can keep me down, oh no, I’m gonna keep moving! As you start to train, you start to change your habits, either drastically or with baby steps, the change still takes place. :) You clean up your diet and train more. You will find that you look better, and you’re stronger than you ever have been. One bout of Tabata training, Circuit training or Tactix training with Brenda or Michelle can increase circulation. Whenever circulation is increased, you get far more white blood cells that check for foreign germs and are far more apt to be able to gobble them up. I have a few tips you can make a habit and help your body out that much more. This may not occur to you without being made aware of it, but Pay Attention to Your Mouth. The gums have many blood vessels which provides direct access to your blood stream. Germs get in! It’s been shown that gargling regularly with an antiseptic mouthwash has helped improve dental health and may help fend off other illnesses. Remember this, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Guess what? An Apple a Day Really Works. A natural antioxidant called quercetin, found in red apples as well as broccoli and green tea, may give an immunity boost to individuals under stress. This next tip requires a bit more practice for me… Don't Worry, Conquer Stress! Stop worrying. The fear and expectation of having something adverse happen actually lowers immunity. When people are worried all the time they literally scare themselves to death. To sum it up…stress causes cortisol levels to rise--high cortisol levels weaken the body’s overall immunity--the immune system plummets--you get sick. I’m always preaching to Up Your Vitamin Intake. We have a worldwide epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. Everybody needs vitamin D and having an appropriate amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables can boost immunity. The brain is a powerful ally, so Mind over Body. Every thought is accompanied by a chain of biochemical reactions in your body. So a positive attitude can increase levels of nitric oxide, which help to balance neurotransmitters, improve immunity, and increase circulation. Fun fact…Whenever nitric oxide levels are high -- from anything ranging from positive thought to exercise -- you're actually improving your resistance to disease. Those of you that were able to attend the Eat Right for Your Type seminar know how I feel about hand sanitizer, but for those of you who weren’t able to attend I will tell you this—-Only use hand Sanitizer when soap and water are not immediately available. Soap is a detergent. The detergent works to break down the capsule of most viruses and bacteria hand cuffing them in a matter of speaking and hauling them away when rinsed with water. Antibacterial hand sanitizer is NOT 100 percent effective in removing bacteria, most viruses are unlikely to be touched. The bacteria that is left behind will continue to multiply and is likely to become a more powerful pathogen. Wash Your Hands - Over and Over. In order to prevent illness, it's important to wash your hands with soap many times during the day because you're in contact with all kinds of pathogens -- door knobs, stair railings, and other people. You really want to have clean hands. Lastly, I’ve said this already, but Get Your ZZZs. Sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Sleep efficiency is the key, so be sure to practice the sleep hygiene tips I gave you a couple blogs back. :) A good night's sleep will restore the immune system. Always keep in mind the importance of exercise and nutrition. Commandeer the secrets to successful immunity and be sure to listen to your body, it gives you signs. When you start to get stuffy or wheezy, REST so that you can continue your workout regimen and help your body out. If you allow the illness to “set up camp” you will not be able to continue your healthy steps and your body will falter leaving you weaker and making it harder for you to get back on track with your fitness and nutrition. That’s all I’ve got for today. Live well and let others know of your success by inviting them to a complimentary training session with Brenda or Michelle! The gift of health is one size fits all! Talk to you soon. Melissa
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Why The Blood Type Diet Works for Me
Hello again! :)
Today I want to talk to you about my experiences and issues with food. With the recent seminar about the blood type diet I reveled that I am a huge fan simply because the way food affects the inner workings of the body makes complete sense to me. It makes sense because your immune system fends off unwanted pathogens. The food we eat comes from something that also has a blood type, your body will behave the same way it would given the wrong blood type during a transfusion, that is your immune system will react. My blood type is A. All blood types have a different set of characteristics. They are susceptible to different diseases, should eat different foods, and need exercise in a completely different manner. The Type A blood type historically originated when humans moved away from hunting and gathering to the cultivation of grains. Over time the adaptations that produced Blood Type A were based on the need to fully utilize nutrients from carbohydrate sources. The amount of stomach acid production needed to digest red meat from the hunter/gather lifestyle was no longer needed. As a result, Type A's have low levels of stomach acid production. This simply means that Type A's make healthier vegetarians because they can receive full nutritional benefit by being able to fully digest plant protein. This doesn't mean that as an A Type we can't have meat, just not red meat or at least a limited amount. Subsequently, Type A's do have high levels of the enzyme that efficiently digests carbohydrates that resulted from the introduction of grains and vegetables. Every Blood Type has its history which is revealed in Dr. D'Adamo's Eat Right For Your Type book.
Let's discuss "diet" and then I will tell you about my personal experiences. When I say "diet" I am not talking about a weight loss plan, that's just a side benefit to following the Blood Type Diet plan. I am discussing diet in the more traditional sense, meaning a way to eat. I said already that Type A's make healthier vegetarians. If you are an A and you are accustomed to eating meat, I was for sure, you will find that once you begin to limit or even eliminate your consumption of meat you will have more energy. Type A's turn the meat into toxins because the digestive tract can not fully digest and utilize the nutrients. These toxins gum up your inner workings and your body struggles making you ill and lethargic. Moving from the meat and potato fare won't be easy, but it is extremely important that Type A's eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic. With this diet you can supercharge your immune system.
I've given you the history and the pathology and now I am going to tell you about my experience with The Blood Type Diet. Personally, I am a text book Type A. When I was younger, I found that certain foods upset my digestive tract but I was young and didn't think it mattered. Because of my neglect to listen to my body, and of course the lack of education on the Blood Type Diet because it wasn't known, I am paying for it now. Overtime, my symptoms have worsened, I feel them immediately and they last longer. I may have had a little stomach ache when I was younger, but now, I get a stomach ache, headache, acid reflux, vomiting and I bloat. Attractive right? Feeling this way doesn't just go away over night. No, I experience the illness for at least 2 days. I said at least. Now that I know why I am having stomach issues there is no excuse. I have a choice, I can continue on the path of destruction or I can make the changes I have mapped out for me and live a pain free lifestyle. I have chosen the pain free lifestyle of course. :) Yes, I stray I admit, it is hard. But, I don't give up. When I go grocery shopping I don't buy red meat. I get most of my protein from beans, not just any beans, but beans Dr. D'Adamo has deemed beneficial. Some beans are on my avoid list. I pretty much "buy out" the produce section at Safeway. I don't keep foods that are wrong for my blood type in the house. Out of sight out of mind. I keep a journal. I record what I eat and if I experience an adverse reaction. I have already started to feel better, I have more good days symptom free.
Another downfall of being a Type A is that I have to manage my stress a bit more then other blood types. I am not saying that other blood types do not have stress and shouldn't have to manage it. In fact, ALL BLOOD TYPES SHOULD LEARN HOW TO MANAGE THEIR STRESS EFFICIENTLY and you can do this by reading The Blood Type Diet Handbook. I mean that the physiology of Blood Type A is to have naturally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol and produce more in response to stressful situations. Type A's get on the emotional train and ride it all the way to the end when they probably should have stopped at the depot. This over production of cortisol makes for a more challenging recovery from stressful situations. Exercise of course is a simple solution. Every Blood Type benefits from 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week. Dr. D'Adamo has narrowed down specific exercise routines for each blood type. For a Type A, this includes incorporating exercises that provide focus and calming effects like meditation and deep breathing. The calming activities and regular exercise will put you on a path to a life saving lifestyle.
There is so much more that I just can't fit into one Blog. Lucky for all of us, Brenda has invested in all our health and provides for us the resources to the Blood Type Diet. You can purchase products and receive more information specific to your blood type from Brenda's Website. www.healthystepsllc.com/products.html. You will be glad you took the time to check it out. The Eat Right For Your Type book offers a personalized nutrition guide. It will give you the history behind your blood type as well as foods you should avoid and foods that are beneficial. There are also books that contain recipes and a wide variety of vitamins and supplements that will be utilized by your body most efficiently based on your blood type. Don't forget about skin care! You will find skin care info on the website as well. As for me, I will continue to follow the Blood Type Diet until it is a permanent part of my lifestyle. I am confident I will soon be symptom free. I am also going to invest in a product called Deflect. This supplement will help me digest even more efficiently. It will also help my digestive tract out when I do stray from the diet and give into the temptation of a hamburger. :)
Live Well, I'll talk to you soon!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A Recipe for Fun!
Good Morning!
I've had a request to offer some insight on how to avoid over-eating at summer BBQs. Unhealthy options are the standard American fare at BBQs, but it doesn't have to be the rule. One major problem with BBQ pot luck gatherings is that we all tend to overindulge a bit. This is largely due to the fact that, when it comes to gatherings, it's easy to rationalize overeating and to stray from our healthier everyday routines. This summer, however, there's absolutely no reason that you need to pack on any extra pounds or throw all your hard earned sweat away. If you follow these simple steps then you'll be sure to remain bathing suit fabulous and not wake up the morning after with a serious case of regret.
No. 5: Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Without food in your stomach, alcohol gets absorbed quickly, which means it will hit your brain in less than five minutes. That will lower your inhibitions and up your appetite, a recipe for overeating. Before your first sip, eat a small handful of nuts or a few cubes of cheese (or whatever small snack is allowed according to your blood type). The protein and fat both get emptied from your stomach slower, creating a better buffer for alcohol.
No. 4: Bring a safety dish.
When you bring a dish to share, you're helping out the hostess and yourself. It will help fill you up and balance out smaller portions of high calorie foods like mini quiche or dumplings. A veggie tray with hummus for dipping is a great choice. It's not unusual party fare so you won't stand out. A cup of veggies, the size of a baseball, and a quarter cup of hummus, the size of a golf ball, only pack 125 calories, about half the calories in just one chicken finger.
No. 3: Out of sight, out of mind.
Stand out of arm's reach of the buffet table. Studies show that the amount of effort it takes you to obtain food and how visible it is greatly impact how much you'll eat. One study found that in a cafeteria, people ate more ice cream when the lid of the ice cream cooler was left open than when it was closed. Another study showed that people given a sandwich in a transparent wrap ate more than those who were given sandwiches in an opaque wrap. "Out of sight, out of mind" really does hold true.
No. 2: Dress for awareness.
Whether it's a clingy dress, slim-fitting pants, a belt or a body shaper, constricting clothing can definitely prevent you from overdoing it. When fully expanded, your stomach can hold about six cups of food, the size of six baseballs! So an anti-expansion strategy is a smart strategy for helping you stay in touch with your hunger meter.
Top Tip to Avoid Summer BBQ Overeating
No. 1: Outsmart the post-party munchies.
Alcohol can up your appetite, so if you come home from a holiday party a little tipsy, you may be apt to reach for a snack before you go to bed. So think before you go. On your way out the door, pop up some healthy, low-calorie popcorn, put it in a bowl and leave it out in plain sight. When you get home, you'll reach for that instead of a bag of chips. One cup of healthy popcorn has only 25 calories compared to 150 calories in just 13 potato chips.
That's it! Your strategy to prevent over-eating this summer while still having a great time. These steps are definitely do-able. You'll be please you took the time to change just a few small things. Your body will thank you! Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
It's All About Sheep...Sleep!
Good morning everybody! I've had a request in regards to sleeping better. This is a topic that comes as a concern to many, especially because you know very well from Brenda, that one of the key aspects of a healthy life style is getting plenty of Zzzzzzz's. Sleep and your mental health are deeply linked; often a mood episode is triggered by lack of sleep. So, as promised, I am going to bring to you Sleep Hygiene Tips to try to improve your sleep patterns. :)
Goal #1: Train the brain to feel sleepy and awake at regular times.
• Fixed times for bedtime and awakening, stick to this even on weekends, regardless of how much sleep you got the night before.
• If you have to get up during the night to use the bathroom, do not turn on the light.
• No daytime naps as this reduces your sleep drive.
• Sunlight, get at least 30 minutes per day, no sunglasses. This establishes a circadian rhythm, an oscillation of about 24 hours, establish by external cues commonly the most important is sunlight.
Goal #2: Develop a strong mental association between your bedroom and sleep.
• Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex, don't read or watch TV in bed.
• Get into bed only when you are sleepy. If you are unable to fall asleep, get up and go into another dimly lit room, do not lie in bed awake.
Goal #3: Avoid being over-stimulated at bedtime.
• Caffeine-avoid after about 3 pm
• Alcohol-it may help you fall asleep, but use of alcohol wakes you up early and disturbs the quality of your sleep.
• TV, Computers and Texting-stop use 2 hours prior- blue light inhibits melatonin production.
• Mental Activity- stop doing active mental work at least 1 hour prior to sleep.
• Exercise- at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY, do not exercise 3 hours prior to sleep.
• Eating- avoid being too full at bedtime, eat dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime; a light carbohydrate snack may help.
• Progressive relaxation- starting at your toes, tighten the muscles for 5 seconds and release.
• Develop a bedtime ritual- An evening ritual helps prepare your body/mind for sleep. You can't grab sleep...you can only develop the right atmosphere for sleep to come and take you.
o 1. Turn off all electronic equipment 2 hours before sleep
o 2. Prepare for the next day (write notes on what you have to do, so you can tell your mind to relax, it is taken care of, when you find your mind going over thoughts of what to do the next day).
o 3. Count your blessings, or journal, consciously forgive yourself and others for hurts accumulated during the day.
o 4. Have a cup of herbal tea "Sleepy Time"
o 5. Have a shower or bath
o 6. Use a diffuser in your bedroom and with lavender essential oil
o 7. Consider using herbs such as hops, kava kava, valerian, or melatonin sustained release 3-6 mg an hour before bed.
o 8. Do some progressive relaxation, gentle stretching, yoga, tai chi, chi gong or meditation.
o 9. Do the same thing EVERY NIGHT, as you are training your body/mind to unwind from the day.
Goal #4: Create an environment conducive to sleep, your room should be:
• Dark, cover LED lights, consider blackout blinds.
• Quiet, consider using foam earplugs.
• Cool, 65 degrees F is ideal for most people.
• Comfortable, use a comfortable mattress and pillow.
Alright guys, that's it! Your guide to getting your Zzzzz's. Remember, this will not come easy, you must adopt these hygiene tips and establish a habit. Be patient and you will be rewarded with sound sleep. You will find that you awake feeling rested, and after time, you won't even need an alarm clock. If you are anything like me, that sounds superb! I hate the annoying squawk of an alarm clock. Enjoy the rest of your day, and when it's at its end, sleep well. :)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013
So Blessed!

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