So much as transpired since my last post! I gained a new son-in-law, who has really been a part of our family and we already considered him our son years ago, but the wedding made it official! Michael and Kayla said their vows on April 6, 2013 in the late
afternoon. God gave us the most beautiful day under his eyes he blessed them and held them as they made the commitment to one another. A vow of marriage that will hold them even stronger in their relationship.

Another big event in our household was my son getting his driving permit! He is a good driver and of course I never get to be behind the wheel if he is with me! :)

This month I am also gearing up for my new program called FitRanX! The following has been strong and I am so excited to meet all the new people who come through my doors and help them achieve success once and for all in fitness and nutrition! I really
liked the concept of this program because I was in the U.S. Army and it is structured the same way as far as moving up in ranks, but not just getting there easily but working towards a goal and then getting recognized for it!
I also have also dug in my heels and went after the Sugar Breakthrough Solution and am only 4 days away from the 14 day cleanse. Has it been hard? YES! But can it be done? YES!! I am happy to say that I have dropped 4lbs but even more important than that is
my body fat which went from 29.8 down to 26.9 as of last Friday!! I do of course get my workouts in there and use every second to push myself harder! In doing this program I realize there are still things that I need to tweak in order to be even more successful
and to find easier ways for my clients to benefit as well. Amy and Lisa was conversing over a book the other night in Tactix and I heard O as blood type, I was interested as that is what my blood type is. In getting the book that night, I was very intriqued by
the findings. So in combination to the cleanse on sugar I will implement the list of foods that are good for me as an O blood type and with that I am going to be golden!!! I am also doing series in my daily email for my members on stress. This also goes hand
and hand with the sugar and the correct foods to eat. I realize with those 3 components, I am on to something big and I am going to be putting together a plan for my clients not only here but also online so all my other friends and family who live far away can
benefit from it too if they choose to invest in it! :)

I want to end this blog with one of the best stories I have ever heard. It is from a book called,
"Think & Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. I find it so astounding and so true. I have actually applied to myself over and over again when I feel I am falling short of my dream!
I won't go into the story verbatem but I will tell you this, I highly suggest you read this book and keep it and read it more than once! Have you ever felt like you are so close yet so far and then you just give up? Not realizing that you were only
This is what happened to the uncle of R.U. Darby. He had it made or so he thought. He went west to dig and
GROW RICH in Colorado. He was successful in hitting the shining ore that he was digging for, yet he needed a bit more machinery to bring the ore to the surface.
He quitely covered his tracks, went to his hometown of Williamsburg, Maryland and shared this news with family, friends and neighbors as he needed investors to help him get the machine. After they sought the faith in him, he was back to Colorado to mine his first car, which he sent to smelter. The returns proved they had one of the richest mines in Colorado! He was estatic I am sure! He could see with only a few more cars all the debt being cleared, and then the big killing of profits would come! But, down went the drills, Up went the hopes of Darby
and Uncle. Then something happened! The vein of gold ore disappeared! It was done, the dreams, the vision, vanished, just like that! So they did what I highly suggest you do not ever do,
"THEY QUIT!" Yes, they decided to sell the machinery to a junk man for only a few hunderd dollars. That junk man was not a stupid man, he knew that there was no way he could figure this out on his own so he searched for mining engineer, who revealed to him that the project had failed, because the owners were not familiar with "fault lines." His calculations showed that the vein would be found
JUST THREE FEET FROM WHERE THE DARBYS HAD STOPPED DRILLING!!! The junk man took millions of dollars to ore from the mine, because he knew enough to seek expert counsel before giving up!
I love that because we have all been there right? And what would have happened if you would have just kept going? So I say this to you, "Never quit because you never know what is just
THREE FEET ahead of you! It could very well be your
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