Hey There! I hope you are having a Wonderful day!
I am doing an email series this week on sugar with my members. It is an eye opening ordeal once you start digging into all the side effects sugar has on our bodies. Reading the above facts are staggering, yet, we just keep right on
looking for that next sugar high, that temporary fix to ease what ales us. It really is only temporary you know. Some people are even addicts of sugar,in all different forms. So why do we continue to ignore what it is doing to us when
it is becoming more and more obvious of it's effects? Well, because we live in a society which is filled with instant gratification. It's true. Think about it for a minute. Why do you reach for that cookie, ice-cream, candy bar, soda pop or
brownie? Most of the time you don't even think about it, your in a hurry and you have to get the rumbling of your tummy to stop somehow. You grab you sweets and your off, however, mid day, you crash and burn! And it is even worse if you are not
into some sort of consistent exercise routine. Day in and day out you continue to consume massive amounts of sugar without a thought until one day your in the doctors office and they hit you with the worse possible scenerio you can think of. I
don't mean to be a downer here, but this is just facts my friends. So why wait until that day comes, why continue to be miserable, sick and tired? There are many avenues to take when you want to cut back on sugar. The one thing you must know in
order to succeed is you will be unable to do it alone. You need a support group to help you through it, especially if you are addicted to it. I suppose it is no different than being an alcoholic or drug addict, you have to have your fix before you
feel you can move forward. So depending on the severity of your sugar situation, have a buddy or group to support you and then start your journey of cutting back on sugar. You will be amazed at how great you feel. Oh the first couple days will be
very hard on you, no doubt about that, but I suggest you wean yourself off the sugars that are bad for you and soon you will be free from sugar. IF you think you can go cold turkey, chances are it won't last because you will find in the future that
the very word NO, will set you off and you will go running after what you have been running from. It's a crazy thing, but it is becoming a very large nuisance to society and the obesity rate in America keeps skyrocketing. Very few people realize they
are their best investment, but when they do realize it, they take it serious and they spend their money wisely and research the best avenues in order to make wise decisions in that investment.
As I wrap up the week about sugar with my members we are going to go on a journey together. IT is a great time to be a member of Brenda's BootCamp by the way! I am only doing this challenge with them and if you know someone that has been coming for awhile
and you haven't really seen a difference, your about to! I am including every single member into this upcoming challenge. I am so excited and can't wait to reveal the results to everyone!
They are about to triple their investment in themselves! :) Stay tuned to find out what the challenge is as we embark on
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