Starting over is never easy, and certainly never fun. You will doubt yourself, wonder if you can do it and surely feel like a failure. That is how I felt last year around this time. I felt like my world was crumbling around me. I was at a point I was really struggling financially and mentally. I loved what I was doing and I wanted to keep doing it but God was taking me on another journey and I had to trust Him and walk in faith. I didn't give up on my training. I got a couple early morning days at the recreation center which helped me and then the one thing I didn't expect to happen was going back into the insurance industry. I reached out to a friend of mine who was still a part of insurance and got a few leads so went after it. I landed in an office that has truly been a blessing to me. I don't doubt for a second why God placed me there. I love what I do and I still get to train. I have been struggling with my nutrition again and actually been slacking in my workouts. I go through this about once a year for some reason. It doesn't last long but it is frustrating. I have been researching again for the best plan and I know everyone is different so one plan may not work as good for another person. So I set out to see what is best for me and I look at cost too, just like everyone, I am on a budget and it seems the next best thing always cost way to much whether you break it down to the day or the month. I know if you workout at least 5 days a week, portion control your foods, cut down your sugars, feed your machine 5 to 6 times a day, drink plenty of water, have your multivitamins along with omegas, you will beat the everyday marketing schemes of the world. So when you do feel like pulling up to have a burger and fries your body will be more forgiving then when you use to do it everyday, no exercise, filling yourself up with sugar in every form and just piling up your plate 2 or 3 times!!! Do you follow me? Once you get on a system, it's harder to break it. Will you stumble? Yes! Do you need to just quit and go back to old habits?! No! Always fight the good fight. Your life is worth fighting for! Find what works for you and tweak it until you are seeing results! Know that it won't happen overnight, it's a process and although it is hard to be patient, slow down and figure it out. I am here to help you if you just need someone to listen without judging. I do understand your struggles and your heartaches, your not alone. Many people out there are sucked into the marketing scheme by tv ads, radio ads, social media ads and even when your in the grocery store, they place all the candy and any item right up front for you to see before leaving. Don't give into temptation, be strong, know what your goals are and look straight ahead because together we can win the war on junk food!!! We can over power it for the most part yet when you do dip your foot back in, enjoy it for a moment, no longer, then pull it back out and keep running fast towards the new you!!! Never be afraid to start over. Don't let the what ifs rule your life. Don't let your fears overcome your victories! If you want something bad enough, you will move mountains to get it right? So start moving those mountains today!!! We Got This!!!! Love to hear your thoughts, comment below. I will be checking in daily and I will be keeping up with this blog weekly to let you know how I am doing, in hopes it will help you know your not alone and we are all in the same boat!
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