Sunday, May 3, 2020

My Breaking Point!

I believe that everyone will have that one day where you are just at that breaking point during this pandemic we are in. I had mine last week! I hate thinking about it, talking about, reading about it, yet here we are. Each day goes by and it seems to get worse. I hear this will be the new norm. NO! Why would we want this to be our new norm. I do not like to admit my weakness but let me share a back story. I have never liked anything on my face. I can't tell you why but on very rare occasions have I put on makeup of any kind. I did wear lipstick for my sisters wedding but even then felt so uncomfortable. As I was recalling memories of basic training though, is where I can start to feel the anxiety over something on my face and that was a gas mask. It's not the mask itself but the feeling.  Let me take you back to that moment.

I was in a gas chamber with other soldiers and we had to endure the smell of gas going up our nostrils, feeling the sensation of the burn in our chest, our eyes started to burn, snot came running out of our nose, we started to gasp for air, we searched for our your voices but the words didn't come out at first but finally as the drill sergeant was madly yelling for us to speak out our name, or our last 4 of our social, I honestly don't remember exactly what his madness was asking of us because I felt like I was going to pass out, and just then the doors flew open and we ran out, hands popped up over our heads, franticly waving, like we were hoping for something to save us from up above, around a big circle we raced, feeling the sunshine beam down on our faces, the air filled back into our lungs and as we gained our senses we slowed down and once back in formation, our drill sergeant said,"Now, you will learn how to dawn your gas masks in less than 9 seconds because if you don't and your ever in a situation and gas is the culprit, you will die. We just showed you what it will feel like." You can bet I learned how to dawn that mask with each memory of the gas chamber implanted into my brain! As I share this memory with you my heart is racing, as I stated before it's not easy to admit this weakness. I have shared this before with my family and friends and they may have not known when I did tell it, I fought so hard to be strong in the memory and not let my heart race too fast and give in to the anxiety.

You may wonder how then can I wear a helmet when I ride my motorcycle? I have vents in my helmet and it doesn't touch my nose or mouth. Don't get me wrong, in the beginning I felt a small memory pop in my head as I first dawned the helmet but it soon went away as I got on the motorcycle and felt freedom take over! There were times that I put a bandana on over my nose and mouth but I felt constricted and so uncomfortable, with that small wave of anxiety as I struggled a bit to breath, trying not to show my weakness to my husband. It was then that I went for the full face helmet.

So today, as I cringe of putting something over my nose and my mouth, touching my face for a period of time gives me anxiety.So if you see me out in public without a mask, don't judge me. If you feel comfortable in a mask and you feel that will protect you from this virus that they say has no cure then that is your choice, because as of today, it is still our choice. I know this may not be for long. The powers that be want to see how far they can take their orders until it is mandatory and until such time I choose not to have that freedom of choice ripped out from under me. As I said, when you have memories pop up that make you feel weak and get your heart racing so fast you feel like you're having a heart attack, why would you volunteer to concede to something that is not proven without a shadow of a doubt. Why are we so quick to give up the rights of the constitution? Why are we so quick to believe what is on the internet or in the news? As my daughter shared a memory of one of her teachers in high school, he shared something and it was so believable, and the kids took it as truth yet he said it was not the truth and told them to never just accept what you hear as truth immediately, to always do your own research. That was a life lesson and great advice especially now! My son also stated that he doesn't know what it true or a lie anymore and I totally agree with him, so yes, we should do a little bit of our own research instead of just handing over our freedoms in which we may never get back!
Why are we buckling to people we voted in to do a job that is for the people? Do you see in many aspects how this virus has taken over more than death? Why are criminals getting set free? Why are people being thrown in jail for standing up for the constitution? Why can't we go to church, but we can go to Coscto, Lowes, or Home Depot? Why isn't the science of the virus that has came from two Dr's in California not being taken serious, they have done the research, they have the numbers. Why did YouTube shut them down?

 Yes, I do believe there is a virus out there, what I don't believe is how crippling it is making it's wave in every nook and cranny of our lives. I only have one place to go and that is to God. I trust and believe in Him, that this too shall pass and my faith is stronger than fear. I like Pitbull's new song, "Believe"
FEAR- Forget everything and run or Face everything and RISE! I choose the later!

Monday, April 27, 2020

My Happy Place

My Happy Place is the moments first thing in the morning when I wake up and get my coffee, then read my devotional in the quite, being still in God's word, getting my armor on and getting ready for the day!

My Happy Place right now is stepping in front of that camera and going live as I train my Tactix workouts 3 days a week, also having one of my best friends Diane Ellsworth train a couple days, doing her COMEBACK workout, and getting Michelle Cross to come in once a week and get her POUND on! We also have a challenge my sister Monica Workman has us doing that is about to wrap up doing SQUATS/PUSHUPS! I also have been blessed and so grateful to have guest come on and show us different workouts, YOGA with Chrissie Samuel and BLT with Amy Hodge!
 I may be alone in the room but I am not lonely in my environment. I had a friend talk about this and it's so true! I love knowing that as I am training, others are sweating it out with me at that exact moment! In the near future I will be able to be in front of my favorite people again and the energy will be strong!

My Happy Place is when I am riding my motorcycle and feeling the wind and the freedom that envelopes me as the two wheels carry me along. I love when I hear my husbands voice as he communicates or just says, "I love you honey, I just love this!" You see so much more on a motorcycle than you do in a vehicle. The sounds you hear are more pronounced, the smells fill your nose with sweet, vibrant, crisp air, flowers, hay, water or wherever I may be at that moment in time!

My Happy Place is when I am camping with my husband and my family, the enjoyment of a nice bon fire, the closeness of being with my loved ones, the memories we create. As you can see I have a few Happy Places. Everyone has those places. Everyone creates memories if they can. Some are not as fortunate as others but you don't stay stuck if you are, you don't stay in a situation if you are capable of getting out of it, you rise up, you take one step at a time and you soon run. What is it that keeps you from making those spaces your Happy Place? What is your Happy Place?

Short and sweet blog this Marvelous Monday! Enjoy every moment you have. Be positive in your space! I always say there is always something to be positive about, even if it is the air you breathe, the breath you take. To Be Positive Is To Be Successful! Go out and spread it today!

Force For Good,
Brenda Lee :)

Monday, April 20, 2020

This past week has been another rollercoaster in America and around the world with the Covid-19 pandemic. I went to the store to get groceries and the fear in peoples eyes was heartbreaking, not one person smiled as I passed them, not one person made eye contact with me, heads down or their eyes darted somewhere else. It's sad to me because the love, the laughter and the nod of a stranger with a smile has been taken away because of this uncertain virus that is sweeping through every city and town as a silent killer. They shut us in hopes of us not getting or spreading it, however, if it's silent and it's in the air.  The main difference is that there is no cure and they say that the hospitals are overwhelmed and that is really the reason we are to stay in and do the social distancing and have our economy plummet. I could go on and on, but you are all living this with me, you know what is being said and seeing the news or social media. I am so sorry for the people who have died because of this virus and pray for their strength in the coming days.

Here is what I know for a fact: GOD is in Control. GOD will never leave us nor forsake us.
When you feel anxious, pick up the bible. It is the only place that has all the answers. Our faith shall not waiver in these times. It's now that we must stand up as strong as ever and let everyone know that we are powerful in his word. I am not a religious freak if that is what you are thinking right now as you read this, but I do have a strong relationship with GOD. As I see hate I see more love even though our world has been turned upside down, I see so many people talk of God and I see how powerful prayers are. Many prayers are being lifted for all our doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, military, grocery workers, truck drivers, and so many more people out their choosing to take on this fight against this silent killer. GOD will envelope us and keep us safe, we only have to trust in him and have faith as this plays out. We have to practice patience, which is so hard for me and for most people, especially today when we have been so accustomed to the fast of everything and the convenience in which we had. Now we are finding new ways to adapt and overcome. But, we are doing it and we are making the best of the situation we are put in. We do live in America and as a veteran of the U.S. Army, I will fight for my family and friends. What I mean by that is I will pray for each of you EVERY SINGLE DAY! Prayer is the ultimate winner in any fight, and this is no different. So as you read this, stop, be still and pray.

Monday, April 13, 2020

I could hear the planes overhead, I lay there wondering, what in the world had I done?! I had completely stepped out of my comfort zone and here I was in a place I never thought I would be, a place I thought just weeks earlier I could do, yet I had a deep seed of doubt now as I was here, in the darkness feeling all alone and abandon from all I knew, family and friends miles away and here I was with this sinking feeling of regret! I closed my eyes for what seemed only a moment and shot my eyes wide open so fast to the clanking of something so loud hitting the bed and the voice of a boistrous voice yelling, "GET UP YOU LOW LIFE PRIVATES!! YOU HAVE EXACTLY 5 MINUTES TO GET DRESSED, BRUSH YOUR TEETH, GO TO THE LATRINE, DO YOUR BUSINESS AND GET OUT IN FORMATION! NOW GO! GO! GO!" I don't think I moved so fast in my life, my heart was racing and my mind was locked in gear to GO!

That is a memory of my first day at basic training back in March of 1988. I did feel a bit of regret a few times during basic training, but it turned out to be the best experience of my life and one of my biggest growing moments in my life too. I would never have met my husband had I not joined the Army had I not stepped out of my comfort zone.  I would never have gotten to go over seas to Germany, had I not stepped out of my comfort zone. I met the neatest people over there, and we got our first german shepherd dog over there! There were so many things that I did not regret and that is what happens when you step out of your comfort zone. If you stay in one place too long, you get complacent. You don't necessarily have to move to another place to step out of your comfort zone but there are times in your life you may have to.  It can be the scariest and most craziest thing you do at that moment, but if you can see past that fear, that uncertainty you will come out so much stronger. I have trusted God time and again in my life and he doesn't want me to be complacent. As I grow older I feel I become wiser and I am thankful for all the moments God has granted me and will grant me.

My son is about to spread his wings and go to another state and in some ways I feel it is out of his comfort zone but I know he will grow to be stronger and more independent. I am sad and feel a tug on my heart, however, I know how it is to want to go explore new things and to break away, so I support him in going. I am proud of him for working through so much and finding his way. He is going in a time of uncertainty, a time where we don't know what tomorrow will bring, but it's for his job and he agreed to go. He will have God with him the entire time and he will be safe.  My daughter has stepped out of her comfort zone time and again as well, just recently by posting on her blog and being so vulnerable yet knowing that she had to get her message out there, because someone needed to hear it, feel it and know that it's ok. Yes, I am blessed with two wonderful children that God gave me. I do not take them for granted and feel love so deep for both of them.

Today as you sit and read this what is it that you will do next to go out of your comfort zone?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

WOW! I decided to see about getting into doing a blog and realized that I had one already!! Look at that last entry, 2015! My how time does fly. Well since then I have progressed and evolved. Today in 2020 I am creating my own workouts for Tactix. I have been creating my own workouts since the beginning, which was Jan 2011 for Tactix. I stepped up the workouts and designed them different now than the original Tactix, so I call it Tactix 2.0 however,I do not have the rights to that name, at all. I am certified in it though and I love teaching it! I sit here writing this blog in April 2020. This time we are in is CRAZY, to say the least. We are on a stay at home order, because of a virus that has no cure. There are good and positive things that can come from this. I for one am saving money by not going out to eat so much. I used the time to clean out my closets and do some rearranging, some deep cleaning! We got a great annual percentage rate on our refinance! So yes, that is what I choose to focus on during this time. I also started doing live workouts in my private facebook page, Bootcamp Rockstars. I have my friend doing a couple of her's as well which gives us options for those who might not like Tactix. I do not have the bag and partner of course but still the moves are the same and you can get a great workout. I am going to have guests on as well do their workouts for even more variety in the coming weeks! I do miss everyone and look forward to being back together again in the gym! Right now is NOT the time to give up on your goals of fitness and health. There is no better time than now to stay active or get active and eat better. When your immune system is strong then you will be able to fight the viruses out there. This one today, coronavirus is deadly, all indications are that the people who have died had a low immune system with respiratory problems, overweight, asthma or diabetes. It has been affecting the older generation the most, not to say other ages have not been attacked, just that the majority has been older people. The thing you don't want to do is be glued to the t.v. Take 5 minutes in the morning, at lunch time and before dinner and then move forward with tasks that fill your mind in a healthy way. What is going on out there is out of our control. You on the other hand can control YOU! When this is all over will you be happy with your success in moving toward your goals or will you have submitted to the fear and chaos they want you to? Be in control of you. Trust me, when this is over you will be one step further ahead, you will be stronger and able to overcome any obstacle. They have set boundaries for us and in some ways that is good, it gets you used to setting your own boundaries, such as saving money, not making any unnecessary purchases, spending quality time with those closest to you and most of all being still in Gods presence. Start a journal if you haven't and write down your feelings, your ideas, what you want to accomplish in one day, every day. This is so helpful, especially now. One day you will look back at what you wrote and see where you have come and know that you did all the right things at the right time. Ok, that is it for now. Stay tuned for more as I am back to blogging!! :) I am here to serve you should you have any questions. Thank you for spending these moments with me. BIG HUGS! Brenda Lee Force For Good