Hey there! Hope your having a great day. I hope the picture of the cat there didn't scare you to much. :) Imagine him holding you hostage and telling you to get up off that couch and start moving your body, exercise and eat healthier! :-P
I was watching "Killer At Large" yesterday and found it to be
quite disturbing. I think the biggest thing that hit me was a 12 year old who had lipo surgery. She was tipping the scales at 218lbs, and after the surgery she was 155lbs however, she fell back into her routine and she gained some of that weight back. As I was watching this and hearing her mother, who I felt was in denial about her daughter and that emotional problems were not to blame for her daughters eating disorder causing her to be extremely obese, I couldn't help but wonder what a difference it would have made if they would have kept this girl active from a very young age and not fed her all the processed junk food! Do you know that in order for this young girl to keep the weight off she had to exercise and eat the right foods!?!? Wouldn't it have been great on the parents pocket book if they would have done this in the first place?! It comes down to the choices we make and if you have kids its passed down to them on the food choices you create for them as well. We have to get a grip on our bodies. We have to get control back before it kills our nation. The numbers out there are staggering and growing and it's because of the convience that is available to us. We can go to fast food restaurant and consume a meal in 15 minutes and its about 1700 calories if not more! Then we wonder why we feel like crap the next day! We wonder why we have developed heart disease, diabetes, just to name a couple and then when we look in the mirror, we shake our heads and say, "How did I get like this?" Yet, it's just a thought and we head to the kitchen for more junk food that we bought because it was on sale. Did you know that the food chains in America lower junk food compared to veggies and fruits? Do you know why they do this? Because they know that our budgets are tighter now and therefore they will make it easier for you to get the junk food.
Most people don't realize that what you are putting into your body now will haunt you later and actually cost you more due to high medical bills. There are so many addictions out there in our society today and food is one of them.
Another interesting point in the movie that I seen was that sugar affects the same system of the brain that illegal drugs do, such as cocaine. How crazy is that!?!!??! As I continued to watch I realized that more than ever what I am doing is becoming not only a job in which I love but a desire to help more people get their lives back and save money in the long run by taking that first step and realizing you can look and feel better with just 30 minutes out of your day! You don't have to go on a diet to lose weight, you actually need to eat to lose weight and you have to realize that exercise and nutrition go hand in hand. Is it going to be easy? NOPE! Is it going to be rewarding when you start to see results? YES! So do what you can do today and make the move to change your mindset. Don't believe everything you see on t.v., or hear on the radio, or read in magazines about easy and fast results if you just take this miracle pill or shake while you sit on the couch! This is the most bogus thing I have ever heard!!! Yet, so many people who don't want to move, spend their money on it and keep the phonies in business! They realize that afterwards they wasted their hard earned green backs but think that there is something else out there so they are flipping through the channels to see what the next infomercial is going to get them. PEOPLE!!! Take one step at a time and start MOVING!!! GET UP! GET OUT! GET ACTIVE! :)
Yours in health,
Brenda L Gross, PFNS