Friday, December 31, 2010

Mix It Up!

Hey There! Hope your enjoying your day. Here in Colorado it is cold, windy but we have snow!! I love it! However, it does put a damper on getting outside and getting your chores done or going to your meetings. You still must not let that stop you from getting your workout in. If you are thinking, ""That is a great idea, but I don't have alot of space in my house to workout, or I don't have any equipment to workout." You have all you need with your own bodyweight and it is the best tool or equipment out there on the market! Yes, YOU!
So with that said let me show you a simple workout you can easily do in 30 minutes. Oh by the way, I love pushups! :P

Always start with a 5 minute warm up!

You will set your timer to 2 minutes(use your cell phone if you need to)

8 Pushups
8 Situps
8 Burpees
8 Mountain Climbers
(after you complete these exercises once go thru again till you have hit the 2 minutes, then each round try and get further!)
Rest 2 minutes- complete 3 rounds-2 minute rest in between rounds

Cool down and stretch- 5 minutes

Comment below and let me know how you did! :)


Let's ROCK 2011!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Burpee Blast Workout

Hey! Hope your doing well and your ready to workout! ;) This workout is guaranteed to make you sweat if you give your 100% to it! Go ahead and implement this workout into your workout routine and make sure you give yourself 2 rest days that are not back to back. Have a great day! ;)

Warm Up

Run In Place-1min
Jumping Jacks-1min
Arm Swings-1min

Circuit 1:
Pushups-30 Sec
Squats-30 Sec
Burpee-30 Sec
Do 3 rounds
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Circuit 2:
Burpees-30 sec
Burpees w/pushup-30 sec
Burpees w/jacks on the ground-30 sec
Do 2 rounds
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Circuit 3:
Jump Rope-1min
Burpee w/shadowboxing-4x’s punch out-30 sec
High Knees-30 sec
Do 2 rounds
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Cool Down-5 min

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Win the Battle Against Fat Cells

WinView Imageagainst

As a fitness expert, you know I'll never promise you a pill is going to be the answer to that "jiggle in your wiggle." If you want six pack abs you're going to have to work for them.


There is some very promising research out there in regards to a dietary supplement you've probably been hearing a lot about.

Yes, I'm talking about Essential Fatty Acids. You probably have heard them called something like Fish Oil pills.

How's this for good news?!

*University of Georgia researchers have found something pretty amazing about Essential Fatty Acid supplements containing DHA. Get this: The actually help STOP the conversion of pre-fat cells into fat cells by causing them to die out before they can mature.

Once a pre-fat cell becomes a fat cell, well, there's no turning back. You've got that fat cell for life. Imagine, actually decreasing the accumulation of fat by taking an Essential Fatty Acid supplement containing DHA!

Now let me do my best infomercial voice for you...

But wait, there's more!

Seriously, that's not the only benefit of Essential Fatty Acid supplements containing DHA.

According to studies** done at the University of South Australia people that combined exercise with Essential Fatty Acid supplements containing DHA saw greater fat loss than the test group that only exercised and did not take the supplement.

How can you not be excited by these research studies??

Now, personally, I don't like Fish Oil pills because they cause you to burp like crazy. If you've ever taken them you know exactly what I mean. And they aren't always the highest quality.

I prefer EFA Icon from Prograde Nutrition because they use Krill Oil. It's been found to be a superior source of Essential Fatty Acids containing DHA. Plus, with EFA Icon there are NO fish burps. And I haven't even mentioned all the amazing health benefits from this dietary supplement.

If you're looking to accelerate your fat loss results than I really recommend you go with Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon. You can get it here:

Yours in rapid fat loss,

Brenda L Gross, PFTNS
PS - Remember, EFA Icon is NOT a miracle solution. You will need sound nutrition and exercise. BUT the research is there. It's definitely a supplement with powerful fat loss properties.

PPS – I am a Prograde Nutrition partner

Friday, September 17, 2010

Terrorism On Our Bodies

Hey there! Hope your having a great day. I hope the picture of the cat there didn't scare you to much. :) Imagine him holding you hostage and telling you to get up off that couch and start moving your body, exercise and eat healthier! :-P

I was watching "Killer At Large" yesterday and found it to be
quite disturbing. I think the biggest thing that hit me was a 12 year old who had lipo surgery. She was tipping the scales at 218lbs, and after the surgery she was 155lbs however, she fell back into her routine and she gained some of that weight back. As I was watching this and hearing her mother, who I felt was in denial about her daughter and that emotional problems were not to blame for her daughters eating disorder causing her to be extremely obese, I couldn't help but wonder what a difference it would have made if they would have kept this girl active from a very young age and not fed her all the processed junk food! Do you know that in order for this young girl to keep the weight off she had to exercise and eat the right foods!?!? Wouldn't it have been great on the parents pocket book if they would have done this in the first place?! It comes down to the choices we make and if you have kids its passed down to them on the food choices you create for them as well. We have to get a grip on our bodies. We have to get control back before it kills our nation. The numbers out there are staggering and growing and it's because of the convience that is available to us. We can go to fast food restaurant and consume a meal in 15 minutes and its about 1700 calories if not more! Then we wonder why we feel like crap the next day! We wonder why we have developed heart disease, diabetes, just to name a couple and then when we look in the mirror, we shake our heads and say, "How did I get like this?" Yet, it's just a thought and we head to the kitchen for more junk food that we bought because it was on sale. Did you know that the food chains in America lower junk food compared to veggies and fruits? Do you know why they do this? Because they know that our budgets are tighter now and therefore they will make it easier for you to get the junk food.

Most people don't realize that what you are putting into your body now will haunt you later and actually cost you more due to high medical bills. There are so many addictions out there in our society today and food is one of them.

Another interesting point in the movie that I seen was that sugar affects the same system of the brain that illegal drugs do, such as cocaine. How crazy is that!?!!??! As I continued to watch I realized that more than ever what I am doing is becoming not only a job in which I love but a desire to help more people get their lives back and save money in the long run by taking that first step and realizing you can look and feel better with just 30 minutes out of your day! You don't have to go on a diet to lose weight, you actually need to eat to lose weight and you have to realize that exercise and nutrition go hand in hand. Is it going to be easy? NOPE! Is it going to be rewarding when you start to see results? YES! So do what you can do today and make the move to change your mindset. Don't believe everything you see on t.v., or hear on the radio, or read in magazines about easy and fast results if you just take this miracle pill or shake while you sit on the couch! This is the most bogus thing I have ever heard!!! Yet, so many people who don't want to move, spend their money on it and keep the phonies in business! They realize that afterwards they wasted their hard earned green backs but think that there is something else out there so they are flipping through the channels to see what the next infomercial is going to get them. PEOPLE!!! Take one step at a time and start MOVING!!! GET UP! GET OUT! GET ACTIVE! :)

Yours in health,

Brenda L Gross, PFNS

Friday, August 20, 2010

Super Size Me

Oh my gosh! I just finished watching Super Size Me and I have to tell you. I feel sick! My stomach is aching just watching this, however, there is so much truth and excellent data in the movie that I wanted to share it with all of you who care to take the time to really see what the biggest food chain is doing to your bodies if you let it, and not only to your bodies, but your children. There is a section in there that just broke my heart. Kids are so drawn to McDonald's by all the marketing they see on t.v. and the toys lure them in. We are setting them up for failure by giving into them because its just easier to pull into a fast food joint then go home and prepare a nutritious meal and heaven forbid we sit down as a family and eat that meal. There is somewhere in time we as parents need to stop this madness of obesity, of quick fix, of instant gratification! My Fitness Revolution is my obsession! Those of you in my bootcamp are just wonderful for taking ahold of your lives now and spreading it to your family. Your saving your lives, and after you take the time to watch this movie, you should be hard pressed to go to another greasy fast food joint again! And if you do, then maybe once every 6 months! :) Oh but then of course there maybe some of you who are not even affected by this because you just don't think this could happen to you. Do you want to experiment my way vs your way and in the end see who comes out the WINNER! :) Value your life and know that today you can turn it around and and make better choices!

Leave me your comments after you have watched this and let me know what part affected you the most!

Brenda Lee :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Life Secrets - Two Wolves Inside Me Movie

In life we go through so many obstacles, so many choices, so many ways to turn, yet some days we get to see something that inspires us, something that makes us realize what we do is our choice alone. Where we take our lives is up to us and how we get there is through faith and guidance from above. Check this movie and enjoy!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Eggs Unveiled!

Hey there! Hope your day is going great!

I want to sit down and talk to you about eggs. The first chickens came to America in 1493 on Columbus's second trip. An interesting fact about the hen, she will turn her eggs over about 50 times a day so the yolk won't stick to the sides of the shell, and as she grows older she lays larger eggs. Let's move on to the nutrient side of the egg.

Eggs are a naturally dense food, high proportion of nutrients to calories. One large egg has about 70 calories with 13 essential nutrients, which many of these nutrients are in the yolk. Yes, in the yolk, therefore important not to throw it away!

Let's key in on two of the macronutrients found in the egg.

1. Protein-(13%DV) Important for building and repairing body tissue and aides in immune function, also helps in maintaining a healthy weight. In fact research shows that eating eggs for breakfast helps over weight adults feel full longer, have more energy and lose more weight.
If you eat 1 to 2 eggs following a workout it will encourage your muscle tissue to repair and grow.

I am sure you have watched a movie or t.v. show sometime in your life where there is a scene where the character throws some eggs in blender and drinks it! Nothing else in it, now to be honest I could not do that. I do however, eat my share of eggs as I love them! And I love the whole egg too. So it is a relief to see that the yolk is a very important piece to the egg.

2. Unsaturated Fats-Heart Healthy-this has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, especially when eaten in place of saturated fat. There have been myths about the egg being bad for your cholesterol. Let's crack that open right now. There was a study done in 2007 with 9500 people reported in the Medical Science Monitor, that ate one or more eggs a day and DID NOT increase the risk of heart disease or stroke. It actually showed decrease in blood pressure. Stephen Kritchevsky, Ph.D states, "Many countries with high consumption are notable for low rates of heart disease."

So eating an egg or two is plenty, anymore may be to much fat however. It's the balance in your portion size. If you poach, hard boil, or scramble your eggs your going to see the best results and perserve the nutrients. Avoid frying in butter or oil.

So let's recap why the whole egg is good for you.

1. Weight management- high protein in eggs helps you feel full longer and stay energized thus keeping that healthy weight in check!

2. Muscle strength and muscle loss prevention- research has shown that high quality protein found in eggs may help active adults build muscle strength and help prevent muscle loss in middle aged and aging adults.

3. Healthy pregnancy- egg yolks are excellent source of choline which contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects.

4. Blindness- Lutein and zeaxanthin , two antioxidants that contribute to eye health and prevent common causes of age related blindness.

5. Memory- Choline-essential for your functioning cells, including metabolism, brain and nerve function, memory and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body.

These are just a few of the benefits of eating the egg. So next time someone tells you the fat in the egg is bad, remind them that there is plenty of nutrients in the yolk to waste it!

How often do you eat eggs?

Brenda L Gross, PFTNS

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Amp your workout up with Kettlebells!

Great day isn't it?! I am stoked to bring you these exercises that will enhance your workouts. The kettlebell ladder is one I most definately want to hear from you after you perform it. If you Don't have kettlebells, use dumbells, 3lbs minimum on weight! Challenge yourself each time you do this and increase your weight size if you do use the weights. Kettlebells should start out at 10's or 15's to really feel the effectiveness for women, for men go with 20's and higher! Be sure to go slow at first and always do your 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cool down!

Enjoy and be sure to leave me your comments!

Brenda L Gross, PFTNS

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kettlebell Workouts

Hey there! Hope your day is going fantastic!

I am working on some workouts today and have come up with a new Krazy Kettlebell Workout!

I am also very new to this blogging bit. I will actually put on a short video of some of the moves that are in the workout tomorrow! They will make your muscles SCREAM!! I have did some updates to my website also! Check it out:

I get alot of my ideas from I always ensure that my workouts are mixed up and everyday work on new muscles in your body as I don't want anyone to become complacent.

As the days go by I will do an article on the research I am doing for eggs! Now I love a good egg and I have never taken out the yolk. Did you know that is where all the nutrients are so why on earth would you want to throw it away!!!?!!?!? Ok..stay tuned for that blog!

If you have any tips for me on this blogging bit. I sure would appreciate it!!!

Until tomorrow!

Have a blessed day! :)

Brenda L Gross, PFTNS